Engaging Science Labs Membership

The Complete Collection of Resources

As science teachers can we can spend a lot of time talking about science...
and writing about science...
and reading about science...
without actually doing much science...

What if we could reverse that?
What if we could spend the majority of our time in the lab?
Then, when we talked about science,
it would be about everything we just did.

This growing collection of written and video activities will help you teach the science content.

Each course has 8-24 labs and is targeted to a small grade range.



These two mini courses will give you a taste of the complete collection





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Hello! I'm Carolyn Balch, the author of Engaging Science Labs.

I started my career as a high school physics teacher. Then, I entered the field of museum education at the National Air and Space Museum, which is part of the Smithsonian Institution. There I wrote science education materials and ran teacher workshops.

When my children were born, I left the workforce and when they were little, our family got involved with a school start up. My children grew and with them, the school. I ran science experiments for different classes and joined the faculty as the middle school science teacher when the school grew.

Now I teach part-time and during the rest of the week I work on the curriculum I use during my teaching. Each online course is a unit of study from a hands-on, laboratory-experience perspective. I write instructions for each activity and create video for many of them. I want you to feel thoroughly prepared to teach these lessons.